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Gymnastics Fashion and Explanation


Gymnastics, like many other sports, requires  a uniform that is easy to move around in.  Flexibility is key; and leotards are always best when it comes to this sport. Should you not own a leotard yet, yoga pants/shorts and a snug fitting t-shirt or tank will work.

There are several reasons why gymnastics requires tight fitting clothing. Safety is number one. Loose clothing gets tangled up in the equipment and could also block the vision of the student. Also, coaches need to be able to spot the student without being tangled up in loose clothing. Tight fitting clothing allows the coaches to see if the students are creating the correct shapes with their bodies. This is essential in performing skills correctly.

Sometimes, tight clothing has a midriff as a fashion statement, which is cute and fun to wear, but not appropriate for Gymnastics. For this reason, there are NO EXPOSED MID SECTIONS ALLOWED.

Jeans or clothing with buttons, zippers, or snaps are also not allowed. These items scratch the equipment, cut into the children, and are hard to move around in. 

Socks, including grippy socks, are also not allowed. These will make students slip, and it makes gymnastics a new level of  challenging. Tights with feet are especially not allowed for this reason.

You can purchase leotards online, at Target, Walmart, and on our consignment rack for very reasonable prices.

Having fun in the safest manner is always best.

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